A bear family wades through a stream in a forest. A woodpecker taps on a tree trunk. A raccoon, lying on a branch in the same tree, is awakened and decides it's time to get up. In these woods, a young girl lies in her sick bed in a wooden shack. She is cared for by an armed man who showers her with mysterious gifts.
This is a brief summary of the beginning of The Cure, a short stop motion animation film, performed in a special visual style. The style is based on the constructive principles of 3D puzzles that we all put together as a child.
From simple vehicles, wild animals or complex dinosaur skeletons to extremely detailed, iconic buildings in world cities and life-size corrugated animal heads as an alternative to hunting trophies on the wall. They all consist of one construction technique: the age-old slot connection.
Special thanks to the Stimuleringfonds for supporting this project