
Politicians Before 1900

For Italian media company Ovo we made a series of short documentaries about politicians from human history before 1900. The videos are part of the online video encyclopedia ovo.com

Victor Adler

Camillo Benso

The concept of this project was to create a series of 3 minute history documentaries with a recognizable visual approach, without using combinations of various styles of historical footage mixed together. We designed all elements of the films in our studio.

Porfirio Diaz

James Keir Hardie

Each film in this series was made in only 7 working days. All male characters were played by just one actor. The photographic footage we shot with him was rotoscoped in Photoshop and then animated in AfterEffects.

Patrice de Mac Mahon

Charles Martel

We also created a music score for the project with different moods in various styles. Therefore the music for a specific scene in one country sounds different than a similar scene in another country, but the themes and melodies are always the same and recognizable.


Count Duke of Olivares

Cecil Rhodes

Cardinal Richelieu




